Shortly you will find here an online shop, which will be set up on October 10.Our treasure trove offers an ideal platform, in order to look around for interesting offers concerning the marroni topic or you may place your own sales announcement. If you like to contact us!
→ Shop ←
For administrative expenditure, we allow to raise a charge of CHF 20.– (foreign country: CHF 35.– ). Prospective customers will be passed on to you immediately.
Please perform payment to our PC account no:30-254587-8Marroni Import Gysi + Strazzini AGadditional designation of the account:
** Marroni **
We do not take over adhesion for published articles. Only the us indicated equipment or articles will be obtained. After publishing an article the requirement of reimbursement of the expense charge expires.
To prevent unnecessary costs, everything will be completed by email.If this is not possible, an auxiliary charge of CHF 20. — will be raised.
The shop will only be updated every two weeks in summer.